Toa Security Guard   Osaka Public Safety Commission. Authorization No,62000001 

     亜 TOP 亜 Business 亜 Merit of Trust  


 俵倕倰倝倲 倧倖 俿倰倳倱倲
 俤倶倕倢倢倕値倲 倲倎倢倕値倲倕倓 倫倕倰倱倧値倱
   One of advantages  and  distinguishing by the introduction of  our security guard system,
   we can manage any kind of accidents by the proficiency staff in the security management
   system business. Especially, we adapt to manage for fire, robbery and other unexpected
   accident  and  so on by the security guard officers,  at the time of issuing an order  for
   emergency  to our central commander control room,  which would be protection for the
   enlargement of accident immediately by our dispatched security guard department team
   in rescue. To make assurance double sure  in the power of emergency correspondence
   by our company, we will check strictly personal credit and proper qualification in the time
   of hiring employee for the dispatched security guard officers. After passing on the aptitude
   and psychological examination, three months training will be held and they can manage for
   it safely and quickly to any kind of accidents.

 俼倕倢倝倎倐倢倕 倱倷倱倲倕倣倱

   We have chased for more safety and have introduced TSG system, Toa Security Guard
   System, which leads to the prosperity in society and points for future as a security guard
   system business. It consists of the latest alarm system, instrument security guard systems
   as original by company own, which sensitively catches as abnormal in unusual. It will bring
   our ability  into full play  in any kind of  emergency case.  In the time  of the failure of the
   electric power supply,  it also works  by the inner back up batteries.  And also,  in the time
   of even cutting power sources, lines of antennas and remote switches, our security alarm
   system  will  be  affected  and  automatically  and  minutely  reported  the  occurrence  of
for the illegal invasions,  fires and other  at the same time.  Here after,  we will
   positively  tackle
to introduce  for  home  security  system  and  cable televisions  by  the
   satellite communication,
which used for TV terminal In CATV ( Cable Television). And we
   always think about the
change of the time and keep up for it.

 俬値 們倧倣倫倎倰倝倱倧値 倵倝倲倛 倲倛倕 倰倕倱倫倕們倲倝倴倕 們倧倣倫倎値倷 倫倎倲倰倧倢 倲倛倕倎倓倴倎値倲倎倗倕
    Perform with 乬Professional乭, possible to secure the
     wealth of employment, and
manage by more prominent 
     security guard officers.

    Any our security guard officers have a high knowledge,
     in the criminal law, the civil law and
the technical for

    No thinking about a rise in salary, bonus, retirement
     allowance like company乫s own security 
     for the contract between companies and companies.

    In  the case of  accidents happened  on our guard,
      the contractor can  apply to compensate the  loss 
     and damage.
    Perform with strong responsibility and prompt action.
     It is professional and strict difference for
     with company乪s own security department appointed
     many retirement person.

    Perform  In the case of over limitation on age  and
     physical strength for the security guard duty in
 俿倛倕 們倧倣倫倕値倱倎倲倝値倗 倱倷倱倲倕倣 倵倛倕値 倎們們倝倓倕値倲 倧們們倳倰倱

   The mission for the security guard company should be guaranteed for the safety in the
   security guard. However, if the loss and damage of the contractors would be made, we
   will guaranteed for its compensation by our contracts in the case of our fault by our
   security guard officers were met in the investigation of its reason, after the emergency
   disposition by our security personnel was made and reported the relation for the public
   authorities and our central control commander room.

        An accident resulting injury or death      仺  Less than 200million yen
          乮per one accident one person乯
        An accident resulting injury or death      仺  Less than 1billion yen
          乮per one accident乯
        Substance accident 乮per one accident)  仺  Less than 1billion yen
        Cash, valuable 乮per one item乯              仺  Less than 30milion yen
        Cash, valuable 乮per one accident乯         仺  Less than 30million yen
        Accident for cash transporting             仺  Apply for 乬Special Insurance乭

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